Security Control Types

What are the different types of Security Controls?

In an increasingly interconnected and digital world, the security of data and systems has become a paramount concern for organizations of all sizes and industries. Cyber threats continue to evolve, making it imperative for businesses to implement robust security measures. At the heart of any effective cybersecurity strategy are security controls, which form the bedrock of defense against malicious actors.

According to IBM, the top initial vectors included phishing (41%) and vulnerability exploitation (26%) in 2022. This calls for robust security controls in organizations globally. 

To safeguard against threats effectively, it’s crucial to understand the various types of security controls available and how they contribute to an organization’s overall security posture. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve deep into the realm of security controls, shedding light on their significance, types, and best practices for implementation. 

Throughout this blog post, we will explore:

  • Foundational understanding: What exactly are security controls, and why are they indispensable in today’s digital landscape?
  • Types of security controls: A detailed breakdown of administrative, technical, physical, detective, and preventive controls, with real-world examples.
  • Selecting the right controls: Factors to consider and methodologies for identifying and prioritizing controls based on organizational needs.
  • Implementing and maintaining controls: Best practices for planning, deploying, and continuously monitoring security controls.
  • Conclusion: A recap of key takeaways and the importance of a holistic security strategy.

What are security controls?

Security controls encompass a wide range of measures, safeguards, policies, and technologies designed to protect an organization’s critical assets, including data, systems, networks, and facilities, from various threats. These threats can range from cyberattacks, data breaches, and malware infections to physical intrusions and natural disasters.

Security controls serve as the building blocks of a comprehensive security framework. They are carefully designed and implemented to address specific security objectives, such as confidentiality, integrity, and availability. In essence, security controls are the tools and processes that help organizations manage and reduce risks while safeguarding their most valuable assets.

Why are security controls critical for organizations?

Security controls are of paramount importance in today’s digital age for several compelling reasons:

1. Risk mitigation

By implementing appropriate security controls, organizations can identify, assess, and mitigate security risks. This proactive approach reduces the likelihood of security incidents and minimizes their potential impact.

2. Compliance

Many industries are subject to regulatory requirements that mandate the implementation of specific security controls. Compliance with these regulations not only helps organizations avoid legal repercussions but also ensures the protection of sensitive data and privacy.

3. Data protection

Security controls, such as encryption, access controls, and intrusion detection systems, are instrumental in safeguarding sensitive data from unauthorized access, disclosure, or tampering.

4. Business continuity

Security controls contribute to business continuity by ensuring that critical systems and services remain available and functional, even in the face of cyber threats or disasters.

5. Reputation management

Demonstrating a commitment to security through effective controls fosters trust among customers, partners, and stakeholders. This, in turn, helps preserve an organization’s reputation and credibility.

What is the role of security controls in compliance?

Security controls play an indispensable role in helping organizations achieve and maintain regulatory compliance. They serve as the means through which organizations can align their practices with the specific requirements outlined in various laws, regulations, and standards. 

Here’s how security controls contribute to compliance:

1. Data protection

Security controls such as encryption, data access controls, and data loss prevention mechanisms are essential for meeting data protection regulations. These controls ensure that sensitive information is adequately safeguarded.

2. Auditing and monitoring

Many compliance frameworks require organizations to maintain detailed audit logs and continuously monitor systems and networks. Security controls provide the necessary tools and processes to achieve this, enabling organizations to track and report on security-related events.

3. Incident response

Compliance often mandates that organizations have robust incident detection and response capabilities in place. Security controls related to intrusion detection, log analysis, and incident management facilitate compliance with these requirements.

4. Policy enforcement

Security controls help organizations enforce security policies and procedures, ensuring that employees and systems adhere to the defined security standards, which is often a key requirement for compliance.

Examples of relevant regulations and standards

Numerous regulations and standards worldwide require the implementation of specific security controls. Here are some notable examples:

  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): Enforces strict data protection controls for organizations handling the personal data of European Union citizens.
  • Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA): Imposes stringent security controls to protect the privacy and security of healthcare information.
  • Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS): Mandates security controls for securing payment card data and transactions.
  • International Organization for Standardization (ISO 27001): Provides a comprehensive framework for implementing a wide range of security controls and is recognized globally.

Understanding the significance of security controls and their role in compliance is crucial for organizations looking to establish a robust cybersecurity posture while meeting regulatory requirements.

What are the different types of security controls?

Categories of security controls include:

A. Administrative controls

Administrative controls, also known as managerial controls or organizational controls, are a category of security measures that focus on the administrative and managerial aspects of security management. 

These controls are primarily concerned with establishing and maintaining the proper security posture within an organization by defining security policies, procedures, and guidelines. The key purpose of administrative controls is to ensure that security objectives are met, risks are managed, and compliance with security policies is enforced.

Administrative controls help shape an organization’s security culture and provide the framework for other security measures to operate effectively. They are crucial for defining roles and responsibilities, promoting security awareness, and ensuring that security processes and practices align with organizational goals.

Examples of administrative controls

The following are purposes and examples of various types of administrative controls:

a. Security policies and procedures

Security policies and procedures set the overarching guidelines and rules that govern an organization’s security practices. They outline expectations, responsibilities, and the standards that employees, contractors, and third parties must follow to maintain a secure environment.

b. Security awareness training

Security awareness training is designed to educate employees and other stakeholders about security best practices, threats, and their roles in maintaining security. It aims to enhance the human aspect of security by reducing the likelihood of social engineering attacks and promoting security-conscious behavior.

c. Access control policies

Access control policies dictate who can access specific resources, systems, or data within an organization. These policies help ensure that only authorized individuals or systems can access sensitive information, reducing the risk of unauthorized disclosure or modification.

Administrative controls form the foundation of a comprehensive security strategy, providing the structure and guidance needed to implement technical and physical controls effectively. They establish the framework for maintaining a secure and compliant environment while promoting a security-conscious organizational culture.

B. Technical controls

Technical controls, often referred to as logical controls or technological controls, are security measures that leverage technology to safeguard an organization’s systems, networks, and data. These cybersecurity controls are designed to protect against cyber threats by implementing safeguards, monitoring mechanisms, and security features within the IT infrastructure. The primary purpose of technical controls is to detect, prevent, or mitigate security risks and vulnerabilities at the technical level.

Technical controls or digital security controls are essential for fortifying the security posture of an organization’s digital assets. They work alongside administrative and physical controls to create multiple layers of defense, collectively known as defense-in-depth. These cybersecurity controls are particularly crucial for safeguarding against cyberattacks and data breaches.

Examples of technical controls:

Let’s discuss the purposes and examples of some of the technical controls.

a. Firewalls and Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS)

IDS and Firewalls are foundational technical controls for network security. Firewalls act as barriers that filter and monitor incoming and outgoing network traffic, permitting or denying access based on predefined security policies. IDS, on the other hand, detects and alerts suspicious or malicious network activities.

b. Antivirus software

Antivirus software, or anti-malware software, is designed to detect, block, and remove malicious software (malware) from computer systems. This includes viruses, trojans, worms, spyware, and other types of malware.

c. Encryption technologies

Encryption is a critical technical control used to protect sensitive data by converting it into an unreadable format (ciphertext) that can only be decrypted with the appropriate encryption key. This ensures data confidentiality, even if it’s intercepted by unauthorized parties.

Technical controls are essential for defending against cyber threats and vulnerabilities that target an organization’s digital assets. These controls play a pivotal role in securing networks, systems, and data, making them a crucial component of any comprehensive cybersecurity strategy.

C. Physical controls

Physical controls are security measures that focus on protecting an organization’s physical assets, facilities, and resources from unauthorized access, damage, or theft. These controls are designed to safeguard the physical environment in which an organization operates, ensuring the security, safety, and integrity of its physical infrastructure. The primary purpose of physical controls is to prevent or mitigate physical security risks and vulnerabilities.

Physical controls are essential for maintaining the physical security of an organization, as they address threats that can directly impact the physical assets and personnel within an organization. These controls often work in tandem with technical and administrative controls to provide a comprehensive security framework.

Examples of physical control:

Some of the examples of physical controls, along with their purposes are:

a. Access control systems

Access control systems are designed to manage and restrict access to physical areas or assets within an organization. They determine who is allowed to enter specific areas and under what conditions, enhancing security and preventing unauthorized access.

b. Surveillance cameras

Surveillance cameras, also known as closed-circuit television (CCTV) systems, are used to monitor and record activities in and around an organization’s premises. They act as a deterrent to potential intruders, provide evidence in case of incidents, and assist with security monitoring.

c. Biometric authentication

Biometric authentication relies on unique physical or behavioral characteristics to verify the identity of individuals. It ensures that only authorized personnel gain access to secure areas or systems.

Physical controls are integral for safeguarding an organization’s physical assets, personnel, and infrastructure. They are crucial in preventing unauthorized access, theft, vandalism, and other physical security risks. When combined with other security controls, physical controls contribute to a comprehensive security strategy that ensures the overall safety and integrity of an organization’s environment.

D. Detective controls

Detective controls, also known as detective security measures or detection mechanisms, are a category of security measures focused on identifying security incidents, threats, or vulnerabilities after they have occurred. 

These controls are instrumental in recognizing and responding to security breaches, suspicious activities, or non-compliance with security policies and procedures. The primary purpose of detective controls is to facilitate early detection, rapid response, and investigation of security incidents.

Detective controls are an essential component of a comprehensive security strategy, providing organizations with the means to monitor their environment, identify anomalies, and assess the impact of security events. By detecting and responding to incidents promptly, organizations can minimize damage, prevent further compromise, and improve overall security.

Examples of detective controls:

a. Log monitoring and analysis

Log monitoring and analysis involve the continuous collection, examination, and interpretation of logs and event data generated by various systems, applications, and network devices. This process helps identify abnormal or suspicious activities that may indicate security incidents or potential vulnerabilities.

b. Security incident response

Security incident response refers to a set of procedures and actions taken when a security incident or breach is detected. This includes identifying the incident’s nature and scope, containing the threat, eradicating it, and conducting a post-incident analysis to prevent future occurrences.

c. Vulnerability scanning:

Vulnerability scanning involves the systematic assessment of systems, networks, and applications to identify vulnerabilities or weaknesses that could be exploited by attackers. It helps organizations proactively address potential security risks.

Detective controls are crucial for identifying and responding to security incidents, which are inevitable in today’s threat landscape. They enable organizations to minimize the impact of security breaches, learn from incidents, and continually improve their security measures. When combined with preventive controls, detective controls create a well-rounded security strategy that addresses both proactive and reactive security needs.

E. Preventive controls

Preventive controls, often referred to as security safeguards or preventive security measures, are a class of security measures designed to proactively mitigate security risks by preventing security incidents, unauthorized access, or vulnerabilities from occurring in the first place. These controls aim to deter or block threats, making it more challenging for malicious actors to exploit weaknesses or gain unauthorized access. The primary purpose of preventive controls is to reduce the likelihood of security incidents and protect an organization’s assets, data, and systems.

Preventive controls are an integral part of a layered security strategy, working alongside other control types such as detective and corrective controls to create a robust security posture. By thwarting threats and vulnerabilities at the outset, organizations can minimize risks and maintain the integrity and availability of their resources. Examples of preventive controls:

a. Authentication mechanisms

Authentication mechanisms are preventive controls used to verify the identity of users or entities attempting to access systems, applications, or data. These mechanisms ensure that only authorized individuals or entities are granted access, thereby preventing unauthorized access and potential security breaches.

b. Patch management

Patch management is a proactive control that involves regularly updating and applying security patches and updates to software, operating systems, and applications. This practice helps eliminate known vulnerabilities, reducing the risk of exploitation by attackers.

c. Application whitelisting:

Application whitelisting is a preventive control that allows organizations to specify which applications and executable files are permitted to run on their systems. By blocking unauthorized or malicious software, it reduces the risk of malware infections and unauthorized activities.

Preventive controls are essential for fortifying an organization’s security posture by proactively reducing the attack surface and minimizing the opportunities for security incidents to occur. When integrated with other security controls, they form a comprehensive defense strategy that helps protect an organization’s digital assets and data.

Selecting the right security controls

Choosing the right security controls for your organization is extremely important to maintain the balance between efforts and returns.  

A. Factors to consider when selecting the right security controls

Here are some factors that can affect the selection:

a. Business needs and objectives

The selection of security controls should align with an organization’s overall business needs and objectives. It’s crucial to understand how security measures support or complement the organization’s strategic goals. Consider factors such as growth plans, customer expectations, and revenue targets when choosing security controls.

b. Regulatory requirements

Compliance with relevant laws and regulations is often non-negotiable. Organizations must identify the specific regulatory requirements that apply to their industry and geographic location. These requirements should drive the selection and implementation of security controls to ensure legal adherence.

c. Industry standards

Industry-specific standards and best practices provide valuable guidance for security control selection. Organizations should consider adopting recognized frameworks (e.g., ISO 27001, NIST Cybersecurity Framework) and industry-specific standards (e.g., PCI DSS for the payment card industry) to enhance security.

B. Risk assessment

To carry out risk assessment in the organization, you need to follow the steps given below:

a. Identifying vulnerabilities and threats

A comprehensive risk assessment involves identifying vulnerabilities in an organization’s systems, networks, and processes. This includes understanding potential threats, both internal and external, that could exploit these vulnerabilities. Threat modeling and vulnerability assessments play a crucial role in this phase.

b. Mapping controls to mitigate risks

Once vulnerabilities and threats are identified, organizations should map appropriate security controls to mitigate or manage these risks effectively. This mapping ensures that controls are selected based on their relevance to the identified threats and vulnerabilities. The goal is to create a risk-aware security posture.

C. Customization and layering

The security controls should be customized according to the organization’s specific needs. Let’s consider how.

a. Tailoring controls to specific organizational needs

Security controls are not one-size-fits-all. Organizations should customize controls to suit their unique operational and technological environment. Consider factors such as the organization’s size, industry, culture, and the specific assets that need protection. Customization ensures that controls are practical and aligned with organizational objectives.

b. The concept of defense-in-depth

The concept of defense-in-depth emphasizes the need for layered security. Instead of relying on a single control, organizations should implement multiple controls across different layers (e.g., network, application, physical) to provide redundancy and resilience. This approach ensures that if one control fails or is bypassed, others are still in place to provide protection.

Effective security control selection involves a strategic, risk-based approach that considers the organization’s unique needs, regulatory obligations, and industry standards. It’s not a one-time activity but an ongoing process that adapts to evolving threats and organizational changes. The goal is to create a security posture that is both resilient and aligned with the organization’s objectives.

How to implement and maintain security controls?


In order to implement and maintain the security controls in the organization, you must follow the steps given below:

A. Planning and design

There are two sub-steps for planning and design.

a. Creating a control implementation plan

Before implementing security controls, organizations should develop a well-defined implementation plan. This plan should outline the specific controls to be deployed, the timeline for implementation, responsible parties, and the budget required. It serves as a roadmap for the entire implementation process.

b. Integration with existing systems

Integrating new security controls with existing systems is critical to ensure seamless operations. Organizations should assess compatibility and dependencies, identifying any potential conflicts or disruptions. A well-planned integration strategy minimizes downtime and operational disruptions during implementation.

B. Deployment and testing

Deployment of the security controls can be done in the following ways

a. Proper installation and configuration

The correct installation and configuration of security controls are fundamental to their effectiveness. This phase involves setting up hardware or software components, defining security policies, and ensuring that controls operate as intended. Proper configuration minimizes vulnerabilities and misconfigurations that could be exploited by attackers.

b. Conducting penetration tests and audits

Penetration testing and security audits assess the effectiveness of security controls in a real-world context. These tests simulate cyberattacks to identify weaknesses, vulnerabilities, and potential gaps in security. Regular penetration testing and audits help organizations validate their security posture and identify areas for improvement.

C. Monitoring and continuous improvement

Deployment of the security controls is not an end in itself. An organization must continuously update the controls to keep them relevant.

a. Regular control performance evaluations

Security controls must be continuously monitored to ensure they are performing as expected. Organizations should establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to assess control effectiveness. Regular evaluations help identify deviations from expected behavior and provide insights into control performance.

b. Adapting controls to evolving threats

The threat landscape is dynamic, with new risks and attack vectors emerging regularly. Organizations should adapt their security controls to address evolving threats. This may involve updating control configurations, adding new controls, or revising security policies to stay resilient against emerging threats.

c. Incident response and control updates

Even with robust preventive measures, security incidents may still occur. Organizations should have an incident response plan in place to address and contain security breaches. Following an incident, it’s essential to conduct a thorough analysis to identify the root causes and make necessary control updates to prevent similar incidents in the future.

Implementing and maintaining security controls is an ongoing process that requires careful planning, continuous monitoring, and a commitment to adapt to changing circumstances. A well-executed security control lifecycle ensures that an organization’s security posture remains effective and resilient against evolving threats.


In our interconnected digital world, cybersecurity is paramount, with ever-evolving threats. Security controls are the foundation of defense against these challenges. This guide has explored their significance, types, and implementation best practices.

We’ve emphasized the vital role of security controls in compliance, ensuring organizations meet regulatory requirements while safeguarding data. We’ve also dissected the five control categories: administrative, technical, physical, detective, and preventive, highlighting their collective strength.

When selecting security controls, align them with your business goals, regulations, and risk assessment results. Customize and layer controls for a resilient defense.

Implementation involves careful planning, seamless integration, testing, and ongoing monitoring. Adaptation to evolving threats is key.

In this digital age, security controls are not a choice but a strategic necessity. Embrace these principles to fortify defenses and navigate the dynamic cybersecurity landscape confidently.

Are you ready to take steps towards security compliance? Scrut can give you complete peace of mind. Book a call with our experts here.


1. What are security controls, and why are they important?

Security controls encompass measures and technologies that protect an organization’s assets from various threats, including cyberattacks, data breaches, and physical intrusions. They are essential for managing risks and ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of critical information.

2. How do security controls contribute to regulatory compliance?

Security controls help organizations meet regulatory requirements by providing the means to align their practices with specific laws, regulations, and standards. These controls ensure data protection, auditing, incident response, and policy enforcement, all of which are often mandated by regulations.

3. What are the different types of security controls?

There are five main categories of security controls: administrative, technical, physical, detective, and preventive. Administrative controls involve policies and procedures, technical controls use technology to protect systems, physical controls safeguard physical assets, detective controls identify security incidents, and preventive controls proactively mitigate risks.

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